Conjuring-A brief Case Study

After  the demand of more Ghost Articles we are finally with another article.All over the globe there are two some of the most famous stories that are in everyone's notice-The Conjuring and The Annabelle Doll(There are certainly more such stories like Amityville,Abraham Lincoln etc. ) .Now lets bring that notice into a Case Studies.
The Conjuring:-
Now most of you must be aware of as you may have watched the movie-"The Conjuring".After the release of such a wonderful movie,their were many questions related to the movie like-"Is This really a Real Story?","Was Bathsheba Sherman a real witch?","Is their some proof of their reality?".....
But all these questions are left unanswered.Nobody has found some real,solid proof of this story to be true.There are many videos in YouTube and articles which could be easily found in google about the same.
The most active member of the family Andrea Perron had actually written a book-"The House of Darkness The House of Light"in which she had written her true story.This story mentioned by her is actually a lot different than what we found in the movie.(For knowing about those differences click here).Bathsheba Sherman the witch has been portrayed as the main demon of the film.
According to the film,Bathsheba has been introduced as a witch.But in reality there are no solid hard evidences that proof she was a witch.When this matter was taken judiciary,this case was denied due to lack of evidences.The claim of Bathsheba being a witch was denied by the court.But the people never agreed with the court.
She had four children which was later contradicted by the court as we are very well aware of her son who had a long life as a farmer and had a family his own.
Their are a 100% chances that a poor innocent lady which was normal before was ill treated and blamed by the public to be a wicked witch and due to the high extend of mental pressure she became abnormal.Also this could be some fictitious story highlighted by a group of people.

In a nutshell,the movie"The Conjuring" was a great success which has scared,thrilled us and left with a doubt,Are Ghosts real?
Well the story and directions of The Conjuring was actually incredibly done.Movie is expert in it's Sudden Loudness.Looking from its psychological aspect,be it's excellent slow-mo focuses,the location,the cast,the background soundtracks and the thrilling appearance of Annabelle Doll makes a mind blowing impact on the viewers.According to many,the strongest element in the movie was it's story and obviously it's cast that actually was fantastic.

Now introducing the main evilness.Actually these type of introductions make a thing scary.Now many of you would not agree with me at this point as we really have got some evidence about the doll's creepiness.As we know this doll has been kept in the Warrens Occult Museum where their is a priest who visits once a week or a month to secure it...This place is filled with as they say "Demonic and Haunted Things"and the most amazing thing is that it is open for local public.To be a bit formal,there are of-coarse strict orders and rules-"Do not Touch anything".The question is that if the things are actually so much deadly than why is it open for local public.
Recently their was a man who tried to violate some rules and insulted the Annabelle doll.After some time(3 weeks i guess),he was found dead.Reason was car accident.This is sufficient for the people to relate it with the Occult incident.It can 100% be a coincidence to which people disagree.But if we think a bit deeper we see that a man who has guts to insult a so called Haunted Doll,he would have been a lot mischievous in the road too.Or it could just be a Coincidence.
In reply to which some may say that it is a very rare coincidence,to them i tell some even more rarer coincidences-"Know what the latitudes of the Pyramid of Giza is exactly the speed of light upto sixteen significant figures...","The famous court said by Armstrong-"A small step for man",if you reverse it you would hear-"Man will spacewalk",..
Now talking about the Film.According to many(i am also one of them),Annabelle was not that successful as Conjuring was.Annabelle's appearance in Conjuring was much better than it's film itself.No doubt the film was scary as hell and after that i threw my teddy bear which i got in 10th grade(But i got it back after i saw Ted 2...).
I won't conclude with a mysterious ending as the question is left unanswered.So,Are these stories true?
Answers-Yes they are actually true,but till some extend.The point where this story becomes fake or fictitious is when supernatural ghosts are introduced.The story is true when the mental conditions are explained.People their might have been experiencing such thing due to their psychological build-up.
Our highly intelligent mind has the capability of looking at things which really doesn't exist.Scientists are really capable of making ghosts.(Click Here to view their video)If we take the case of Conjuring,the people living their unlike the movie already knew that the plot they were living in had been a platform for many deaths...Believe it or not our mind is capable of building it's own situation.The family consisted mostly of girls.In a survey we found that females are more imaginative than males who are more destructive(Not only humans even Animal females are much Imaginative!!!).A single unemployed,frustrated man was for sure not able to handle the situation alone.In this type of situation their was to arise the situation of nervous breakdown.
Well thankyou guyz for the e-mails,I really appreciate all those comments who inspired me to write this article on ghosts again.Thankyou so much Guyz and as always...
Thanks For Reading.      
Here are some of the most scary scenes from the movies-

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