Blackholes and Relativity

In our previous article we tried to take gravity's definition from Newton to Einstein.Their we were left with a question that if their is something like Einstein's Gravity...then how will we describe the phenomena of Blackholes???

Well it is simple.We already know that Mass of the object causes the space time to bend.So the more a object has it's mass,the more it bends space time.We'll talk about it a bit later but first let us take a look over the life of a blackhole.Blackholes are formed when a star dies.A star continuously emits radiations that lie in electromagnetic spectrum through it's fuel.Their is a conversion going on that converts hydrogen to helium which works as a fuel.When the star runs out of fuel,gravity takes over.And by that we mean that it has a rapid gain in it's mass which causes the space time to bend much deeper...When i say bend deeper,i mean that the space time fabric bends so much that it appears as if their is a hole in it.
Now their is one more condition that could be surely possible,Wormhole...What if by entering into a blackhole we get into another place???This is what is known as space-time travel.You may know this stuff if you'll have seen Interstellar.It is a beautiful concept(a must watch movie).
In his blackhole theory,Stephen Hawking amazed everybody that a blackhole not only takes in everything but a time comes when it also expels out all the stuff forming new stars and other celestial bodies.This leaves us for another mind-blowing conclusion..."The Big Bang and  The Blackhole Singularity".

But that's a topic for some other time,Thanks for reading.
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