How can we make our website popular

This content is on 'How can we make our website/blog popular'.

  • Write less but effective matters in your website-People are not interested in our personal stuff like "Today i woke at 5:00am" or "I bought a new pen",NO.....Write something which people require.Use attractive templates for your website.You can find some in here.
  • Use Social media-Don't hesitate on publishing your websites on social networking sites.You have written something sensible and good but then also people are not visiting your site.It's not because they hate you,it's because they don't even know about the existence of your blog/websites.
  • SEO-Register your website to certain search engines such as google and bing.Follow keywords.Use those words the most which you think people often type in a search engine.People don't wanna search some "Vastu Shastra" or "how to grow a potato in your garden".
  • Write some appreciating comments-You can always write some comments that'll attract some people.
  • Use RSS feeds-Suppose you got two or three websites/blogs of yours with some customers.You can drop a RSS feed(link) of one of your websites in another.By doing this the people visiting your one blog may start visiting your another blog too. 
Follow these steps and it might help you to 'make your website popular'
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