How can we earn money

Many of us want to sit back in our home and earn a bit.I hope this content will help you by giving some ideas 'How can we earn money online'.
So try and follows these steps below and see if they are helpful for you:
Step-1:Earn by publishing advertisements to your blog/websites:
             Most MNC's pay us to publish their advertisements in our website/blog.Websites like                                   Bidvertiser,TextLink and Blogads help us with the same.Google Adsense is pretty good for                   earning through advertising in our Website/Blogs.
Step-2:'Earn money online' by just Writing articles:
            Websites like Weblogs,Helium,Payperpost and many more help you to make money online just by               writing articles.
Step-3:'Earn money online' by submitting photos:
             You get paid by submitting some good photos in a website.If you got a SLR camera  this step will proof to be a great one for you.You can earn money by submitting photos on these websites-fotolia,Dreamstime,istockphoto and shutterstock.
Step-4:'Earn money online' by youtube:
             Upload videos on youtube and get subscribed.I feel it's the most efficient way to get paid and popular too.
Step-5:Conduct surveys and 'earn money online':
            Many websites like ipoll,triond and odesk pay you for filling a 5-10 min survey.This step is good but a bit boring.They ask you every silly question like"How many times you drink water or...." but at the same time pay you more than 1$.
Step-6:Sell the useless household stuff and earn money online:
             Online stores like ebay,amazon acts as a good  mediator to earn money.You can even sell a half eaten doughnut(i don't know why they take it but we get paid for that too.....)
Step-7:Search for a freelancer:
          If you are good at IT than this step is for you.We can earn money by making web designs,creating websites using html codes or by giving some sort of technical help to the freelancers.So go ahead and make money online for free
Follow the above steps and 'Earn money online'
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